Festival Japania Demonstration 16/10/2022
We are proud to announce that we will be at #festivaljapania on October 16th at 2pm for a demonstration. Looking forward to meeting you there! #festivaljapania GooglePinterestLinkedinEmailTwitterFacebook
We are proud to announce that we will be at #festivaljapania on October 16th at 2pm for a demonstration. Looking forward to meeting you there! #festivaljapania GooglePinterestLinkedinEmailTwitterFacebook
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Available on Amazon/Kindel GooglePinterestLinkedinEmailTwitterFacebook
Summer Camp 2022 Week 1: June 27th(July 1st HOLIDAY-4 days Week 2: July 4th Week 3:July 11th Week 4 : July 18th Week 5 :July 25th Week 6 : August 1st Week 7 : August 8th Week 8 : August 15th Week 9 :August 22nd The price remains 250$ per week tax included. Please note …